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Kelas Webinar

#ROADTOTOLS PROJECT MANAGEMENT 101 : Time Effective Management

Have you even been assigned to lead a big project and fail to reach the goal? Project management is one of the most critical components of a successful business. It affects revenues and liabilities. 

Your business might move on to another project or not. Depends on how your performance as a project manager. Join us at Webinar "Project Management 101" with Ajeng Zulyanti, a fashion model and an aspiring business owner. 

Ajeng will share her best-practices on how to lead a big project and managing obstacle coming along way. Project management can be a daunting discipline, but once you get a grasp of the fundamentals, and combine that with some intuition, you’ll be on your way to leading successful projects, no matter your situation.

The class will be held at :

 Jumat, 29 Oktober 2021

 Pukul 13.00 - 15.00 WIB

Note: Link webinar akan dikirimkan pada hari H acara melalui email pendaftaran. Silakan cek di inbox atau kotak masuk lain seperti spam atau promosi apabila tidak ada di kotak masuk utama.

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Sudah Termasuk :

  • Akses LMS
  • Komunitas Belajar Accelerate LP3i
  • Materi

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#RoadtoTOLS Project Management 101 : Time Effective Management | Jum'at, 29 Oktober 2021 | Pukul 13.00 - 15.00 WIB 

Apa yang akan dipelajari?

Tujuan Pembelajaran

  • Pemahaman elemen dasar dalam pengelolaan project
  • Pemahaman tentang fase/proses dalam melaksanakan proyek
  • Pemahaman tentang pentingnya tepat waktu dalam mengelola proyek
  • Mendapatkan best-practices dalam bagaimana menghadapi tantangan dan masalah dalam melaksanakan proyek terutama soal waktu

Materi yang dipelajari

  • Definitions of Project Management
  • Elements and phases of Project management
  • Project Organizational Structure
  • How to effectively manage time in project
  • How to achieve project goals in time

Sudah Termasuk :

  • Akses LMS
  • Komunitas Belajar Accelerate LP3i
  • Materi

Kelas Webinar

#ROADTOTOLS PROJECT MANAGEMENT 101 : Time Effective Management

Have you even been assigned to lead a big project and fail to reach the goal? Project management is one of the most critical components of a successful business. It affects revenues and liabilities. 

Your business might move on to another project or not. Depends on how your performance as a project manager. Join us at Webinar "Project Management 101" with Ajeng Zulyanti, a fashion model and an aspiring business owner. 

Ajeng will share her best-practices on how to lead a big project and managing obstacle coming along way. Project management can be a daunting discipline, but once you get a grasp of the fundamentals, and combine that with some intuition, you’ll be on your way to leading successful projects, no matter your situation.

The class will be held at :

 Jumat, 29 Oktober 2021

 Pukul 13.00 - 15.00 WIB

Note: Link webinar akan dikirimkan pada hari H acara melalui email pendaftaran. Silakan cek di inbox atau kotak masuk lain seperti spam atau promosi apabila tidak ada di kotak masuk utama.

Apa yang akan dipelajari?

Tujuan Pembelajaran

  • Pemahaman elemen dasar dalam pengelolaan project
  • Pemahaman tentang fase/proses dalam melaksanakan proyek
  • Pemahaman tentang pentingnya tepat waktu dalam mengelola proyek
  • Mendapatkan best-practices dalam bagaimana menghadapi tantangan dan masalah dalam melaksanakan proyek terutama soal waktu

Materi yang dipelajari

  • Definitions of Project Management
  • Elements and phases of Project management
  • Project Organizational Structure
  • How to effectively manage time in project
  • How to achieve project goals in time

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